Sunday, March 13, 2011

Moon in Feces

I once knew a hippie chick who was always full of the most horrible malaprops, including "I think my sign is Feces" (she meant Pisces) and "We've passed a lot of water since that bridge." I'm looking at the death toll in Japan--now thought to be about 10,000, and I've just lost two close friends, and walked out of a long-term off and on relationship (largely off, occasionally brilliantly on) and I'm numb and I'm tired and I'm sad. Nothing that's rocking my world right now is as terrible as that triple-whammy in northern Japan-- and I'm alive and I have a job and my kid is ok--- but I feel so sad and sick at heart. I know someday I'll have other friends and lovers and bluebirds will fly over my personal rainbow--and that there are people suffering genuine disasters. But "dis-aster" has its meaning in the stars itself, and my favorite astrologer Jonathan Cainer has predicted a lot of upheaval right about now, to prepare the way for a new beginning.

Hopefully, this latest nuclear disaster will remind the asshats who run this planet that NUCLEAR POWER IS NOT SAFE, AND NEVER WILL BE, and they will turn away from this to safer, cleaner, cheaper forms of energy, such as the ocean itself. Why do so many people have to suffer before anyone listens? (If you are following the latest in the  Erin Brockovich saga, you know that big corporations never, ever do. No matter how much money they lose in the court room, they have one eye firmly set on future profits and the hell with the continued existence of life on this planet. News flash, asshats, you can't spend your money if everyone and everything on the planet is dead. Is that REALLY what you want for your grandkids?)

What's happening to the planets? According to me--not  Cainer---the moon is definitely in Feces.

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