Thursday, March 31, 2011

How Any Guy Gets Laid in China

It's called Maggie's.
Walk in, buy a beer, leave with "company."
Or, simply breathe. Stand on a street corner. Pretend you don't speak any Chinese (if you do.) Within ten minutes, a girl desperate to "improve her English" will come to help you. Never mind that there's a young foreign mother struggling with a baby not two feet away from you-- a woman who might need a hand getting herself and baby into a cab, for example--YOU are the magnet here. You are the one with "Mr. Green Card" stamped across your forehead in invisible ink. You have money, you have no friends here to take you aside and say, "Dude, she is SO a whore!" and better yet, culture shock is giving you a serious case of Lack of Judgment.
 With luck, you'll be engaged by New Year's, and with even more luck, you won't realize until well into the marriage that she can't really speak English, she doesn't like you, and that the likelihood that she's still seeing her true love while you're slaving away teaching English at Wall Street is strong.
Well, remember this, Bucko: I told you so.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the 'Yellow Peril' still exists, has just changed it's appearance. I reckon it's their just deserts (both the white guy and the chinese 'girl'). The girl gets a bung deal as well - we all know the reason why the guy hasn't got a girl already is no sane and normal white chick would touch him with a barge pole and he's a bad financial decision as well. The chinese girl might get her lovely expat lifestyle while he's in town, but she gets the deadly dull, isolated, no shopping because he doesn't earn enough, not allowed to eat her own food, speak her own language, etc life once they leave and go back to his country.

    All in all, they deserve each other! It might look different, but shit is shit, just different packaging.
