Friday, April 22, 2011

Passed Over

I've been in a fog all week due to slipped discs, plentiful drugs, and an incredibly stupid situation at work which exploded like a powder keg in hell. I also had a retraining/recertification process for MJN2 which added to the general stress. It's Easter this weekend and I missed Passover and sort of jerked awake in the middle of the night with the realization I had forgotten all religious observances and rose in a panic to smear a raw lamb chop (still frozen) across the door sill in the hopes this would placate the Powers That Be into letting the Peke (the only male in the house) live another year. Halfway to the door I realized the Peke is kind of a pain in the ass and probably not worth a belated sacrifice of a perfectly good lamb chop--what was I supposed to do, cook it and eat it afterwards?--and since  I'm not officially Jewish, I said the hell with it and had it for breakfast instead. He can take his chances, and I'll take mine. I seared  it over quick high heat, with a touch of olive oil, then added a knob of butter and a wisp of garlic to the top, put a lid on, and turned the heat way down. It was done to a lovely soft pink with a good brown charred crust within minutes and I ate it with a twist of sea salt and pepper. Mint would have been nice, or lemon, but it was good the way it was, and the dogs got the bones and fat to fight over, so all were happy.

It's Easter, and my baby girl isn't here, and for the first time in 47 years I am not dyeing a single Easter Egg. I'm kind of used to downer birthdays and Christmases but the thought of not putting together a basket for my girl sort of upsets me. I did send her something via See's, and sent my parents a nice Easter basket too, but it's just not the same.
I think I will break down and make cupcakes, with the traditional green coconut for grass and jelly beans for eggs and take them to brunch on Sunday. I just can't NOT do something. Once a Mom, always a Mom. Will take pictures if I do.

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