Friday, April 1, 2011

Facebook Pictures Tagged

Here's something that some women do because they are competitive bitches: they post really, really horrible photos of you on their Facebook page and TAG THEM! For example, if you are an indistinct blur in the background, perhaps eating, or with a glass shoved up against your face, some CB (Competitive Bitch) is going to post that photo--in which they are front and center posing glamourously, and make sure that YOU are tagged, even if no one else in the photo, including the baby they're posing with, is.

I really dislike a friend's wife who runs a blog about how she has, basically, The Only Baby In The World. She even wakes the baby up from naps to "play" because "she misses him so much. " (No, she doesn't actually raise the child herself--went back to work five weeks to the day after he was born and refused to breast feed on the grounds that her breasts would get flabby.) What does the CB do? Oh, she snaps a picture of me ladling out plates of steaming hot spaghetti--my face is obscued by the steam and I have on a big chef's coat splattered with sauce. Not only is it a highly unflattering shot, but you can't even see me clearly in it. This is the front and center picture in her blog, accompanied with some highly charged phrases about how Western food (pasta? Isn't that just Chinese noodles?) makes you fat. Yes, my name--Chinese AND English--is on the caption.

I don't object to women who pose a lot and snap LOTS AND LOTS of pictures of themselves coyly posed in front of national landmarks such as Taj Mahal. I don't like this type of shot, since it screams to me, "LOOK AT ME! I'M STILL THIN AND I GO PLACES, YOU LOSERS!" But what the hell---it doesn't actually HURT me, does it? But when you put a bad photo of me up AND TAG IT, well, that's a call to arms around here. Do you think I would WANT that photo up for people to see? Do you think that I have no vanity, that I wouldn't want to control what's available on the Internet for people--including clients and employers--to see?

If you are one of those people that cannot live without posting but yet another shot of your hip and glam little self on Facebook, then post. I will think you're a tasteless idiot because you are, but so be it. But for fuck's sake, don't be so petty and small that you try to make yourself look better in comparison by tagging any helpless individual in the background. That's competitive, it's bitchy, and in a world where any employer can google a job applicant's name and access some truly ugly photos, it's a weapon that quite possibly is taking bread out of my baby's mouth. CB, baby, I'm lookin' at you.


  1. I say 'Down with the Scrawny Bitch'! I reckon she's doing it because she's cranky because the last time she ate something was 1974!

    Don't sweat the ugly photo, be happy knowing that bitch is only afforded her 'amazing life' because she takes it up the butt. Nasty trade-off but there you are.

    At least you don't have to make that trade-off!

  2. Who said it's a trade off?
