You know you're a foodie and your friends are not when you bring a pan of brownies to a party and proudly announce they're "Magic Brownies" and your friends jump on them like a Lacrosse team on a three-way party girl and then are disappointed an hour later because they're not floating or seeing pink ponies swirling through their cocktail glass and you're bummed out because nobody noticed that by "Magic" you meant they are 1)baked in honor of Mr. Magic, whose birthday it is, and 2) "Magic" because you managed to bake whole marshmallows in without any of them melting. I bet no one even noticed the delicious hunks of mint-flavored white chocolate or the lovely pink and white swirls or the fact I TOASTED the damn walnuts first, either. Damned drugged out Philistines! (That's oughties-speak for "drugged-out hippy freaks."
This post brought to you by Food Ho. Most postings--and the brownie recipe--later.
Come to think of it, the expression is "drug-crazed hippie fiends." "Drugged-out" is probably more of an 80's thing. Comments?