Saturday, November 13, 2010

Quick Note: How To End The Date You Didn't Want as a Date

This is a tip from my gorgeous sister's swinging bachelorette days. She's happily married now to the Magnificent Miguel, so I think it's safe to divulge this one (which, incidentally, she never used on him. We know a keeper when we see one.)

Say there's a guy. You like him, but he's not boyfriend material (for whatever reason.) You enjoy his company, you just don't want him to stay over. You don't want any scenes, and you're hoping he DOESN'T make a move. (I've never had this problem, but then again, I never dated like my sister did.)

Here's what you do: instead of a big fancy date that almost promises a struggle along the line somehow (if not a struggle, then Frank Talk) invite him over to dinner instead. Then feed him  gas-enducing food. Since Sissy is a vegetarian, that means pretty much anything in her normal repertoire would do. A meal of Lentil Loaf, whole wheat bread, curried black bean pate, homemade beer, followed by home made ice cream, is enough to make most men run to the hills, if not further. They seldom make it through the last spoonful of ice cream before grabbing their coats and running out the door to vent in the truck (or in Portland Oregon, a racing bike.) Sissy sits in a romantic pool of candlelight, a seraphic smile on her Mona Lisa lips, serene in the knowledge that by bolting out the door the man has pretty much sealed the lid on the Just Friends pact, and she never had to say a word.

As for me--well, I've never tried this myself but I must say I understand that it could work very well.


  1. Can we say textbook passive-agressive?

  2. Passive-aggressive? Hell, if you had the WASP upbringing I had, you'd just call that "smart"!
