She's young, slim, lovely, with a wide smile. She'll be fine: she could look good in a paper sack. I, on the other hand, need some help.
First of all, I grew my hair out, as I couldn't honestly remember what color it was, and I had a sneaky suspicion it was not the lovely golden brown of yore. I was right: it is dirty dishwater with amazingly beautiful strands of sparkling pewter. However, the strands surrounding the pewter look like used tarnish remover, and this is not cute. You know what is great for people like me? Whose hair grows an inch or more a month and who are too damn busy and too damn fussy to mess with going to a beauty parlor every two weeks for a trim and color? Loving Care
Second: I have stayed out of the sun most of my life, having a red-head's inability to tolerate sunlight, but I have noticed massive droop. Those Immigration agents at the airport had the nerve to ask if I was Lulu's older sister: Liars. They are not flirting with me, they are flirting with HER, and I am the means through which they operate. This is exactly the same feeling I had in high school when out with my friend Gayle: men would sidle up and ask me questions about her without making eye contract. I realize now that having a friend more lovely than you--or at least one who is willing to put out--is early training for a career as a duenna. But I digress. I have hideous scars on my stomach from liposuction-gone-wrong. Well, it wasn't that wrong: I didn't die or anything, but it was not done well (what do you expect for a hundred bucks?) and subsequent weight gain has rendered that area toxic. So I'm trying Strivectin, which I have used around my eyes (specially formulated!) with good effect.
I don't expect miracles, although one would sure come in handy right about now. When my holiday is over in a few days (va-kay to you Yanks)I will hop on a plane and go back to the murk and humidity of Beijing, where my bestest pal and my six-year-old godson are waiting to watch me unpack 21 boxes full of crap from moving. I'll start taking our dog The Dick (that's the dog, not the boyfriend) out for long walks, and power-walk with my Ipod on full blast so I don't have to hear the comments. In short, I'll stop eating Whoppers
A note: if you're in the dumps and you don't have an IPOD
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